We're located in Floral Park, NY, but we deliver almost anywhere in the New York City area. Below are some of the neighborhoods we most frequently deliver to. Click any location to learn more.
Don't see your neighborhood listed? Don't worry - just give us a call at (516) 492-3141 or order online and we'll get you what you need.
It varies anywhere from $14.95 for a local delivery to $35 or more depending on distance. We understand our customers want us to personally deliver our brand of arrangements so we have set-up a large delivery zone ranging from Manhattan to Nassau County with different delivery fees.
Flower deliveries are usually made sometime between the hours of 9am and 4pm in the local delivery time zone unless specific arrangements regarding delivery time were made in advance.
The most common answer is that the flowers have been delivered but the recipient has not had a chance to call you and thank you for the beautiful flowers yet. Rest assured as soon as they have a chance they will call.
There is also the slight possibility the flowers have not been delivered yet but will be shortly. This is not uncommon if you placed the order for same day delivery. The amount of time required to make, pack and deliver an arrangement differs depending on how busy it is that day. If your arrangement was wired out please keep in mind the difference in time zones. It may be almost 3pm In New York where you are but in L.A, where your flowers are being delivered it's still only noon.
If the delivery was going to a residential address the most common answer is that the recipient wasn't home when the delivery was attempted. The flowers were most likely accepted by a neighbor or are sitting on the front or back porch in a safe place. It is common practice to leave flowers with a neighbor or in a safe place if the weather allows for it. This way the recipient can enjoy the flowers as soon as he or she gets home as opposed to waiting for the flower delivery to be rescheduled. If for example it's below freezing (in which case the flowers could not be left outside) and a neighbor was unable to accept the delivery, more than likely the flowers were brought back to the shop and it's just a matter of rescheduling delivery or arranging for a pick up.
If the delivery was going to a business or office more often than not the flowers are in the building somewhere. A receptionist or a mail room clerk could have signed for them and hasn't notified the recipient yet or isn't sure who the flowers are for. The recipient might want to call down to reception or the mail room to find out if their delivery might be sitting there. The recipient might not have been at her desk when the flowers arrived and a co-worker in another area could also have signed for them. All of these are very common especially when dealing with large office buildings. Security regulations in many buildings don't allow delivery drivers to take the flowers up to the recipient, in which case the recipient must come down to sign for them or they must be left at the front desk, security desk or a receiving / mail room area.
You can always request that the flowers not be left with a neighbor, on a porch or deck or with anyone other than the recipient when ordering. Just keep in mind they may not be re-delivered right away and that the next available time slot in your area may not be until the next day. If it's Friday, depending on the circumstances it's quite possible the next available time slot may not be until Monday. That's why it's always best to include a good phone number to reach the recipient (both work and cell if possible) so arrangements can be made immediately. He or she may be ten minutes away from getting home or away from his or her desk for lunch. If we can reach them we might be able to swing back around in ten minutes or leave them if that's what they want. Whatever the case a good contact info can help ensure speedy delivery and avoid just missing an opportunity to complete the delivery.
Things do happen from time to time and it's unfortunate that they may have happened with your delivery. Whatever the issue we will rectify it as soon as possible. Please call or email us with the order number, name, address and phone number of the recipient. If it was delivered by Georgewood we will be able to tell almost immediately where your delivery is. In some cases it's just a matter of checking with our driver who may not have come back from his route yet. If your delivery was going out of town and being delivered by a local florist we will contact the local florist and request details of the delivery including who signed for it or any issue they may have had with it. As soon as we hear back we will contact you right away and let you know what we found out. Hopefully it's good news and your flowers were delivered. In the slight chance there was an issue we will consult with you before taking any further steps to rectify the issue.
Georgewood hand delivers all arrangements and that's part of what makes the presentation special. The flowers we send are not drop shipped in a cardboard box with a tracking number slapped on it and scanned by a UPS or FedEx driver when they are delivered. So please bear with us as we try to retrieve driver logs and details of the delivery. It's not as quick as scanning a barcode.